To add a new stop point, fill in the top form. If you want to edit a stop point, click the clipboard icon to the right of each row. While editing, use the disk icon to save or the arrow icon to go back. To delete, click on the red X.


Add New Route

Route Name
Sort Priority

Current Routes

SortRoute NameAdAd linkGroup Mapping  
1 10 Red East
    2 10 Red West
      3 20 Blue
        4 30 Green East
          5 30 Green West
            6 40 Orange
              7 59 Late Night
                8 50 Olive
                  9 53 Late Night
                    10 53 Lime
                      11 55 Sky Blue
                        12 57 Brown East
                          13 57 Brown West
                            14 60 Yellow
                              15 70 Purple
                                16 80 Arsenal
                                  17 90 Teal
                                    18 Employee Information
                                      19 RT 1
                                        20 RT 4
                                          9999 Test